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Born:June 12, 1942
Boston, Massachusetts
Died:June 21, 2003
Killeen, Texas

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our family
Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous
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Personal Notes

My mother was a remarkable woman who touched the lives of so many over the years. Though I miss her greatly it eases my pain to know that she is with my sister now.
Added by Barbara

My best friend cheerful sees good in everyone Godmother to John Barbara my Godchild we were best friends soul sisters Godparents to each others' child was natural. Distance did not dim our friendship, phone call we were sitting across from each other having coffee. Birthday present ticket to spend Christmas with your family. One look we understood. Your joy at dinner priceless. The world lost a shining star when God called you home with Nan. Until we meet again my friend, I love you.
Added by Jackie Pellegrino

As a special day in my life approaches and i honor your memory that reminds me of how much i love and miss you always. Never far because you live in my heart
Added by Anonymous
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