For most of the items, there is no action required from you other than to
view the items and ensure that the information contained within them is used to
fulfil the members wishes. In many cases, it is appropriate to
communicate to the rest of the member's family or next of kin that you have
access to these wishes so that the member's wishes can be fulfilled.
If the member has prewritten any messages to their friends/family using the
MyMessages™ service, you will not be able to view any of the messages because
they are private. By unlocking this item, the messages will be sent
automatically to their recipients after a delay specified by the member.
If the member has created a personal web page about their life using the
MyLife™ service, then there is no further action required by you after unlocking
this item unless they have also designated you to be a reviewer of contributions
made to their web page. By unlocking this item, the member's web page will
become active automatically, after a delay specified by the member. The
member's web page can then be viewed by anyone on the Internet and, if permitted
by the member, visitors can contribute their own thoughts, pictures, notes,
comments and other parting sentiments about their life. If you have been
designated to be a reviewer of these contributions, then you must periodically
come back to
[email protected]
and login with your Keyholder® ID to approve any contributions which have been
made, before they will be posted to the member's web page.