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Died:January 16, 2017

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Gary Haddon - perhaps mostly known as "Steamer" - is remembered by many purely for his love of Aston Villa FC, and his ability to turn the conversation on the blogs that he frequented, and his humour. One AVL contributor remarked: "His humour was brilliant, he never minced his words and made everyone feel welcome".

Those of us at the Aston Villa Life blog will particularly remember him for his sharp wit and impossible predictions. We also were aware of the deep feeling he held for the football club that he had supported for so many years, home and away, first-team matches and reserve matches. His love of football and the Villa was unquestionable.

In the old days Gary was usually in the company of other 'steamers', whose stories have sometimes brought tears (of joy and despair!) to the eyes of fellow Villa supporters.

One of his companions on such 'Villa expeditions' expressed the following about Gary the person: "He was probably one of the nicest people I have met, and kindest. Gary would do anything for you: nothing would get in his way."

It has also been said that everyone has got a story about Gary and his wry sense of humour, and that he simply was a great person to be with.

The Aston Villa community has lost a great friend - of the Club and of individuals - but he will not be forgotten.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Though I met Gary on less than a handful of occasions, he saw him as a man possessed of humanity and dry humour. He also expressed this in his messages on AVL and in personal e-mails we shared. I was shocked to hear of his passing and he will not be forgotten.
Added by John Lerwill

Although I never met Gary "Steamer" Haddon, when I joined AVL several years ago, I felt I had made a great friend who was full of wit, knowledge of Villa, and so many other things. The banter, discussions on music, tales of the "steamers", and genuine conversations, made you feel that you had known him from the beginning. Then there were the tales of the caff, Curry goat, rice n'peas.

I shall very much miss his posts on AVL, and am so very sad, that I did not get to meet him, especially affter Jennie, Steamer 75's daughter confirmed what a great guy he was.

I wish to express my condolences to his family, fellow steamers, and the rest of our AVL family.

Gone to join the great Holte Enders in the Sky, but not forgotten.

Added by Paul Pears

Firstly, I'm very sorry for Gary's family, close friends and all those that knew him.
I always looked forward to reading his comments on AVL. Gary (Steamer) was a well written man. He was a natural. Everybody involved with AVL will miss his wit, his sincerety, his craftsmanship and perhaps, most of all, his comradeship. He treated everybody the same. I miss him.
He kura kainga e hokia, he kura tangata e kore e hokia. The Maori proverb means, one may return to a treasured place, but a treasured person, once gone, will never return.
Farewell, Steamer.

Added by Ian McFadyen (Trinity)

I did not know Gary (Steamer) Haddon personally but his input to the Aston Villa Life community was contributory to its success. He was always able to promote discussion with his comments and observations.
Sadly, it was only after his demise that we who did not know him learnt about Steamer the man, who was generous and caring for his friends; the post from the daughter of one of them showed his true character and made evident the fact that he will be missed by those with whom he had contact. He will be remembered - a true Holte Ender in the Sky

Added by Clive Evans

Feel slightly fraudulent writing this as I never had the pleasure of meeting or truly knowing Gary 'Steamer' Haddon. But I'm compelled to say something because he showed me what true passion for a club was in his words. I loved his sense of humour and will greatly miss his contribution to Aston Villa Life.

Time to sleep Steamer, as another Holte-ender goes to the sky.

My heartfelt condolences to his family and friends at this time.

Added by Darren O'Rourke

I met Gary in the early seventies and we have been friends ever since, we watched the Villa home and away and also played football together for a variety of clubs we tended to follow each other around.
Our little group of lads from the Broadway/Meadway areas were probably the best bunch of blokes I had ever met and I had the pleasure to say I was part of it, we made up a small part of the infamous Steamers, a firm of Villa fans who had one mission - to follow AVFC with an unbridled passion.
Gary was a big part of the Steamers and earlier the Dougal and he was a universally liked character I cannot remember anyone having a bad word to say about him.
We had so many brilliant times together and the laughs were endless he was a massive character and I feel honoured to have been his friend, I always kept in touch via email and I will miss his humour and his honesty, I will miss the man I only knew as Gary he was a big part of my youth, some people are irreplaceable, Gary is definitely.

Added by Benny ( SWV )

Although i never met Gary [Steamer] Haddon his sad passing has left a massive hole in my life, his witty banter of all things Villa, stories of old, capers and stunts of the steamer gang. and his general warm welcome for all the newcomers on this site.

R I P mate gone but never forgotten

Added by James Gill

I was so pleased to have met Gary.I will treasure the Villa shirt he gave me,typical of his generosity.I miss his posts and the passion in them.Rest in peace Steamer.
Added by Villa Brasil.
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