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Born:August 18, 1964
Died:October 6, 2002

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Bert was called "Butzer" by all who loved him. His grandmother gave him that nickname and it stuck with him all his life. He was proud to be called Butzer. I had the joy of meeting him when we were in 7th grade. We went through the rest of school together. He was smart but not one to sit still in school. Five years out of school we got married and had our first child. Butzer said " It's a boy and he will be born on Mother's Day.". Well after a long labor he was right, we had our son and it was Mother's Day.  Butzer was a proud father. He worked hard to provide for us and was proud of his family. We took our son camping for the first time when he was 2 months old. Two years later we had our daughter. Again Butzer called it. He knew she was going to be a girl. Butzer loved his children very much. He taught them to fish, to work in the garden and took them for bike rides. He even tried to catch butterflies with them for me. (That was a site a will never forget)

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