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Born:August 19, 1909
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Died:February 26, 2005
Orlando, Florida

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She was a strong, willful lady with no complaints. Loved her two children, Michael and Judith, three grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. She was proud of them and all of their accomplishments. Her brother Fredric F. Bremer resides in Groveland, FL.
She worked many years as a Legal Secretary and after retirement, moved to Florida to be near son, Michael.
She was predeceased by her husband, Kenneth Edward and son Michael Lewis Holmes.
She and her smile will be missed by many. She had a long full life filled with lots of happiness, friends and family.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Mom lived with us for 17 years and then moved on to SunBelt nursing home where she was loved and enjoyed by many Nurses and CNA's. She moved to FL from MI in 1963.
Added by daughter, Judy
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