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Born:April 25, 2003
College Station, Texas
Died:February 4, 2005
Temple, Texas

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Our son Keith was and is a miracle child. God chose him to do great things. Although we may not know exactly what his job was, or why he only had 21 months on earth. We do know that he brought families closer together and a love to last a life time. Keith could melt the heart of anyone that looked into his bright blue eye. My "Little Man" had to fight for his life from the very begining till the day he passed away. If you were to see him on his good day's you would never have guessed all the pain and surgeries he had gone through. Keith loved to play patty cake, roll over, move to music, sing with the Speech Therapist, look at books with the Vision Therapist, say "mama, dada,& bubba", and he loved to be held. Keith also loved to fall asleep right before PT & OT could work with him. My "Little Man" always had either his red dog pacifier or his foot in his mouth at all times. He lost more socks from pulling them off with his teeth and dropping them on the floor no matter where we were. He was a child who was loved and loved to be loved by all. I was told from day one that my son would never be a normal child and that his life on earth would be very short. As a mother I did not listen. I did try to live everyday as his if it were his last just because it gave me the chance to love him even more. He has tons of family that adored and loved him. I am so proud of his father Keith I, and his older sister's Cheyenne, Alexis, and Montana for not getting bitter for all the times we had to be apart. Keith was diagnosed with Hydrocephalus ex vacuo, and the absence of the (R) eye ball. He had a prosthetic eye, and an unusual shaped head but in our eyes he was beautiful and perfect in every way. Others may have labeled him as a "Special Needs Child", but to our family he was a "Need for a Special Child" in our life. If I could wish one thing in his short life it would be that everyone could have seen how wonderful he truely was. I want to thank my mom taking the time away from work to care for him, and the rest of my family for loving him for all he was. I enjoyed taking care of him and having the time to love him. I will always LOVE MY "LITTLE MAN". Keith, I thank you for letting me be your mommy, and I thank God for choosing us to be your parents.
Personal Notes

If I could make one wish, it would be that you were here with me and with out any pain. Thank you for getting your baby brother to say "MaMa", I know that it was you. I also realize God gave me Kortlin to help take away some of the pain, but never to replace you.
Added by Love, Mommy

Baby Keith is an inspiration to all of us. He taught us all how to love unconditionally. My favorite memory that I will cherish forever is him hearing and recognizing my voice and reaching his hand up and pulling my face to him for kisses. I have never seen such love and joy as I saw in your eye. We Love You and miss you everyday.
Added by Aunt Christy

I love you!
Added by Montana

I love and miss you. I wish you were to play with me.
Added by Cheyenne

Keith and Bobbie:
I have never seen parents more in love with a child then these too! Never giving up hope and loving your son unconditional no matter what obstacles you where faced with. Know that our thought's and prayers are with you daily.
Keith is within our heart's, he will never be forgotten. We love you all!!!

Added by Aunt Sharon & Uncle Miah

You are an inspiration to me every day. You help me thru the difficult times and you make me smile when I am down. I love you and I miss you. I think of you every day and the courage you had sustains me thru the day. Keep watching over us all.
Added by Shawna

When I first met Keith he humbled my heart. The courage and the strength that such a little person showed. Your an inspiration to me. You inspired me by showing me that "can't" is just a word. The last time I saw you, you looked as though the hand of God had touched you. Your in heaven playing with the angels as perfect as you were here on earth.
Added by Byron's mommy- Veronica
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