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Born:December 14, 1938
Sarnia Ontario
Died:December 3, 2000
Sarnia Ontario

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Jack hawkins was a good man.  He married at the age of 38 to Darlene Cassidy.  They had 3 children, Carol Jean May(Cooper) born December 14th 1978, Rhonda Joanne Hawkins born July 12th 1981, and Thomas Anthony Stewart Hawkins born august 13th 1982.

They seperated in 1983 and eventually devorced. Jack never remarried.

Jack was a crain operator for approx. 14 years. jack loved his job, but it became too much for him.

He descovered, in 1994 that he had Emphysema and was Diabetic. In his last few years Jack became an avid Bingo player. Sometimes going to the games for days or weeks on end.

Jack hawkins was loved, and anyone who understood him and his life loved him. But Jack Hawkins became a loner, hardly leaving his home. He became sick often and asked for no help from his family or his friends.

Jack hawkins was a great man and we miss him dearly.
Jack Matthew Hawkins
Added by Carol Cooper - Daughter
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

"We miss you dad"
Added by Carol Cooper
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