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Born:November 18, 1974
Died:September 14, 2003
Alum Creek, WV

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Kevin was the best friend anybody could want, he was always there for his friends and famliy.  He loved his family with all his heart.  I can still hear him " Red, Mom and I are having movie night. Maybe tomorrow."  Kevin loved to have fun wether it was playing video games (beating the rest of us every time) or hanging out.  You could not help but to love him.  He would do anything for his friends and family, even if it was just listening to us complain.  Kevin was a natural artist, a martial artist, a pipe-fitter and so much more.  It is hard to explain Kevin and there are to many memories to tell about. I remember all of the parties, the nights drinking Jack & Coke while we were making soundtracks on his computer for bellydance.  Kevin, we all love and miss you honey always, Red.
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Kevin Charles Miller - Loved and missed
Added by Red
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Personal Notes

Kevin, I miss you so much! I wait for the next time I can see you.
Added by Anonymous
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