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Born:August 15, 1962
Anderson, South Carolina
Died:December 18, 2004
Anderson, South Carolina

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Born in Anderson, she was one of 7 children that James Edward "ED" Powell and Janice Barbara Hawkins Powell.She was a great sister and mother. She wasn't scared of anything. She had a great personality.She gave birth to a beautiful little girl at 18 and let her oldest sister adopt her. She met her husband the next year and they had two boys. At the age of 31-32 she got diagnosed with kidney failure. They gave her a couple of years ant the most. She fought hard. She lived to be 42. She lost her dad in 1997 and her mom in 2001. No one can forget the troubles that she endured in her last days.

Her life was not as glorious as some,
Devoted to her children and her family,
Taken up by quiet tedium:
What's left when dreams are scattered to the wind.
She loved too well, perhaps, and fought too hard
To make a marriage work that wasn't right.
She was, of all bright loveliness, a shard
Struck off to bring our lives the gift of light.
There are those whose lives are shaped by love;
Whose pleasures, rich and full, are found in giving;
Who make our wild hearts bloom and passions move
Into measured fields made lush by living.
Without her all the gold's gone from the day;
She will be missed far more than we can say

Death Is But A Passageway

When I have left this earthly shore,
I pray you happy be,
For I shall be in pain no more
When I'm beyond the sea.
For death is but a passageway
And Christ awaits at the door,
And I've been longing for the day
When I shall see my Lord

I do not wish my life to end,
For I have much to do,
Good times to spend with family and friends,
And to work finish, too.
But when it's time to pass that door,
I know I'll have no fear,
I'll be accompanied by the Lord,
Who'll wipe away each tear.

We Christians know we need not fear
How death may come or when,
Our Christ walks with us each day here,
And our Salvation is bought

If you have come to say goodbye
To this, my earthly shell,
Be glad for me an do not cry
I now in heaven dwell
And I am safe with Christ my lord
And in His arms I rest
My eartly time and life are over,
But now my soul is blessed.

For death is but a passageway,
And Christ waits at the door,
And I've been longing for the day
When I shall see my Lord.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Teresa was such a great person. Happy 43rd Birthday. (NUMBER 1 In Heaven)
Added by Tassine
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