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Born:October 7, 1914
Edwardsville, Mississippi
Died:September 27, 2003
Chicago, Illinois

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Estella, was a loving mother and grandmother. She devoted her adult life to serving God. She was an inspiration to all that came to know her. She labored for her family, friends, and church. Estella's made her mark in society by being kind and loving to everyone. Everyone who knew Estella will miss her terribly and she was famous for and country baked homemade sweet potato pies. She was truly in love with Jesus and faithfully serverd him until her transmission from this earth. Always loving you grandma!

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Personal Notes

Missing you everyday and knowing that you are in God's loving care. Grandma thank you for the time that I had with you and all that you have been to me in my life. Thank you for letting me share in caring for you like you cared for me I truly love and will always miss you.
Added by Sheri Anderson
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