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Born:June 12, 1986
Died:June 19, 2005
Whitewater, Wisconsin

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Jordan was always trying to make people happy.  He loved to have a good time, and his friends really mattered to him.  One thing I remember about him is when a few of our friends took a trip to Lake Geneva to see his old house he grew up in.  I never saw him so happy.  That whole night the song that was playing was Tiny Dancer by Elton John.  It was one of the best memories I have of him.  He graduated high school down in Illinois when he was living with his uncle.  He came back up here because he wanted to see his friends and family.  He was trying to get into the military and the morning before his final test he was in a car accident and died.
mushroom homies.jpg
This is on here because Jordan's nickname was "shroom".
Added by Anonymous

Jordan's Senior year Photo
Added by John Koch & Amanda Kovach-Koch

Jordan Russell Palmer
Added by John Koch & Amanda Kovach-Koch
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
This picture is on here because Jordan's nickname used to be shroom.
Added by Jody
Personal Notes

Hey big bro! Just wanted to let you know that I miss you and I will never forget about you. My heart is aching to see you again. I love you!
Added by Jody

Jordan, you were awesome and we all miss you more than ever!!
Added by Niki

hey jordan you were a really good person me and sharon talked to you in study hall alot and you always made me laugh i wish you were still with us i will never forget you " You asked for so little but gave so Much"-denise
rest in pieces jordan

Added by Denise*

Jordan, dude - the times we had! You were my best bud, we had the best of times, lmao like gym class, and sneaking out to smoke cigs, haha you smoked a cig in the ceiling of the hallway!! You were always much more wild than I, but it's because of you and our shenanigans that I enjoyed high school at all. I miss you bro... Until I see you again, and we can reign havoc in the clouds, I know you're messing with me and having some great laughs anyways :D keep em' coming broski!
Added by Dewy Johnson

Jordan, it's been too many years since you passed and I still can't get you out of my head. You are gone way, way too soon. It's 2022 now and the world we live in is nothing like it used to be.

Anyway, I miss you, man. I wish we could game out some more and look at Hot or Not again like we did years ago. I also still remember reading comics with you. It's definitely not the same without you.

Added by Jamie
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