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Born:July 10, 2003
Flint Hurley medical center-Flint, Michigan
Died:June 27, 2005
University of Michigan hospital- Ann Arbor, Michigan

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Brandi Marie Varco was born on july 10th 2003 at flint Hurley medical center in Michigan she was the apple of grandpa's eye, grandma's heart and to myself she was everything i ever dreamed of, I always wanted a niece and the day i got her i fell so deep in love.
On the day of June 25th 2005 our whole world flipped upside down. That day she drown in our pool and was immeditely air lifted to University of michigan hospital where she was treated there on life support for 2 days. on June 27th 2005 at 6:42 pm we lost a daughter, a sister, a niece and a precious baby girl. She died due to severe brain damage and too much fluid in her lungs.
Everyone that met her would fall in love instantly. She was really a gift from god, but why she was taken from us so soon is still a question that I often ask. Many times i sit here and think how thing would be like if she was still here with us today.
It is so hard to live each and everday with her not around, often i just sit here and cry. SHE WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!! WE LOVE AND MISS YOU BRANDI!

Added by Anonymous
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