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Born:May 25, 1946
Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada
Died:October 15, 2005
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

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Gordon Bond was born on May 25th,1946 in Windsor, NS. He worked as an EMT/manager for the former MacDonald Brothers Ambulance Service in New Glasgow for 22 years. Gordon was an avid antique car enthuiast and a long time member of the Pictou County Antique Car Club and a long time collector of antique toys. Gordon can be described as a family man who was able to fix anything and would go out of his way to do stuff for people. Despite his very gruff exterior and intimidating size he really was a kind and gentle man as anyone who knew him can tell you. Gordon might be physically gone from this earth but to those who knew him, he will always be here in spirit.

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Personal Notes

I cannot thank my dad enough for everything he has done for me. Even those times when I was being a royal pain in the butt, my dad was always there for me. At this moment it does not seem real and I am finding it hard to deal with the fact that he really is gone. I miss him so much but I can find a little comfort in knowing that he is in a better place and is no longer suffering.
Added by Shaun Bond (Son)
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