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Born:March 23, 1942
Died:November 18, 2002
Nelson,New Zealand

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My daddy loved his kids more than anything in the world and he would do anything for us even if it hurt himself. He loved us more than anyone can imagine. He was the smartest prsone i know, he could do anything he tried and he would come first. the last words he said to me was "I love you Aimee, dont ever be afraid for i will always be with you and love you more than anything, try everything and you will succeed, i am so proud of you, you are my little girl no matter what happens stay strong!". We all miss him so much and i will never forget how much he loved and cared for us, he is the one that taught and loved me the most. love you Daddy, love Aimee

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Personal Notes

One million words couldnt bring you back
I know because ive tried
Neither would one million tears
I know because ive cried
My heart still aches in sadness
The secret tears still flow
What it meant to lose you
No one will EVER know

Added by Aimee Sarah Elizabeth Pritchard
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