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Died:December 5, 2005

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Blinky was a car salesman(the best), a true blue North Carolina Tarheel Fan, etc., but most of all he was a true friend to everyone he ever met. Blinky will be remembered for all the good he has done on this earth. I could list all that I know but the one thing that tells me what kind of person he was is how much my daughter cared for him. I know how much he loved her and I will be forever grateful. We lose a friend today but God gains an angel. Until we meet again ole friend I shall cherish your memory.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

God speed my friend
Added by Albert

In this hour of sadness,
May the sincere
sympathy of
your friends
help to comfort you.
Our thoughts & prayers.

Added by Rachel [Snoddy] Mays
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