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Born:April 11, 1927
Ashland, Kentucky
Died:January 15, 2006
Elizabethtown, Kentucky

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My mother was born on April 11, 1927 in Ashland, Kentucky.  Her parents were Eugene and Lula Williams Eskew.  She had a total of 6 brothers and 1 sister.  She met my father while he was visiting his aunt in Ashland.  They fell in love and married on September 10, 1946.  Three children (Glenda, Pat and Joe) were born to this union, which lasted 59 years.  Dad was in the Army so we lived a while in Hawaii (before it became a state).  Most of our time, however, was spent in Elizabethtown, Kentucky.  Mom was a very strong woman, but her shoulders were soft.  She loved her long fingernails and red polish, but yet her hands could hand out discipline.  She loved to talk and she loved to sing.  She loved singing the praises of the Lord.  Many times after I was grown and moved away, she would sing a hymn to me over the telephone.  Mom loved my Dad and she loved her children.  Later her love would encompass 6 grandchildren (who called her Nanny) and 10 great-grandchildren (who called her Great-Nanny).  While we were growing up, we would visit my Dad's parents, Herbert and Virgie Castle.  Mom and my grandmother would sit up late at night talking and smoking.  My grandmother did not smoke any other time.  She would tell my mother "Don't tell Herbert".  Little did Mom realize that in her later years she would bribe cigarettes out of her children, in-laws, sister, whoever happened to be there and then she would say "Don't tell Carmal".  Mom went home to her Lord on Sunday, January 15, 2006.  She is now sitting at the right hand of Jesus.  We will miss her and gain comfort in the love she had for us and the knowledge she is now with the Lord, my grandparents and all those who went ahead of her.

"A Mother is a mother still, The holiest thing on earth".

Mom we love and miss you.
My young parents.
Added by Pat

My beautiful mother.
Added by Pat

Mom loved to laugh.
Added by Pat

My wonderful parents and us 3 kids.
Added by Pat
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Personal Notes

A Christian mother, above all others, can deeply implant and faithfully cherish the seeds of truth in the young and tender heart. The mother molds the life, character and destiny of man. Every stage and phase of life is touched and influenced by her. Infancy, childhood, youth, manhood, and old age alike center in her. She is both the morning and the evening star of life, - the angel spirt of the home.
Added by Pat

My mother was a beautiful lady. She was a strong Christian and I'm very proud to have been her daughter. Family was important to her. She loved me without question. I am thankful that I WILL see my mother when I get to Heaven. That was one of the most important things she taught her children. I miss her. Today, I caught myself wondering what I was going to do for her b-day. Even tho she is no longer "physically" present,spiritually, my mother will ALWAYS be with me. I thank God for her.
Added by Glenda


God made a wonderful mother,
A mother who never grows old;
He made her smile of the sunshine,
And He moulded her heart of pure gold;
In her eyes He placed bright shining stars,
In her cheeks fair roses you see;
God made a wonderful mother,
And He gave that dear mother to me.
--Pat O'Reilly

Added by Joe
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