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Born:October 18, 1929
Houston, Texas
Died:December 5, 2005
Moscow, Idaho

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Bina was a truly remarkable woman, and all who knew her and were loved by her knew that they were privileged people whose lives were enriched by her sharing in them. In ancient Kabbalistic mysticism the Binah is the feminine expression of the wisdon of God. Our Bina was a fitting sign and exemplar of the Binah. She was named for her mother's Sunday School teacher, and many children were touched by Bina's tender loving care in church and Sunday School.

Bina gave birth to her only child, Douglas Perry, Jr. on July 27, 1958. She was a devoted mother all her life, and her pride in her son was exceeded only by his accomplishments.

Trees, birds and animals, especially dogs and horses were sacred to Bina, and she rejoiced in the world of nature. She was never too busy to take time to smell the roses, and her example touched all who observed her.

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