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Born:western australia
Died:February 13, 2006

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jamie was my best friend as a child growing up in york he aproached me on my first day at my new school in york in 1978 i was 8 years old and very lost and lonely his bright blue eyes and smiling face were a real treat at that mean old school our years were spent riding motorbikes and long summers at madora bay where his parents had a holiday house gee they are the years i loved. just two boys having fun as only best freinds can im 36 and in two days i will see you be buried . it seems the world really does lose its glory i will keep you in my heart on this world untill i die i look forward to seeing you again but i wont say good bye jame because i dont want to let you go out of my life  your best friend michael.

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please add yor thoughts for jamie
Added by michael johnson
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