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Born:October 2, 1945
columbus ohio
Died:November 5, 2005
canton ohio

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my mom was an exceptional woman who loved her kids and her granchildren and greatgrandchildren, she was a beautiful mother , wife, but most of all my best friend.Tthe day u passed a piece of me died to, she was a hard worker,devoted to her church and brought many to know god .

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Personal Notes

mom i miss you every single day, i cry all the time but in my heart i know you are in heaven with your mother and brother and i know someday i will see you again, i wish so much ang. and anthony would have gotten a chance to gtow with you and ang talks about you all the time we all miss you so very much but i know you watch over all of us so until we meet again,save me a seat in heaven ok i love you with all my heart and soul .deb
Added by deb

I am so sorry about your mom. I ran across this site and the date caught my eye because I lost my 19 year old son on November 6, 2005. God Bless you.

Added by Jane Jones
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