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Born:December 30, 1985
Raleigh, NC
Died:November 6, 2005
Erwin, NC

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Matt was brutally taken from us that November night.  A night that turned our world upside down.  Matt was a wonderful son, brother, uncle, fiancee and soon to be father.  His laugh and witty personality will always be remembered.  He was the rock of our family.  Matt was one of those young men that never got to big to hug and tell you how much he loved you.  He spent endless hours playing with his nieces and nephews and they worshipped him as he did them.  He was looking so forward to having his own child in April 2006, a dream that he will never get to see fulfilled.  His memory will always live on in our hearts and our home.  We will see him one day again and then we will all be reunited as a family.

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