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Born:February 9, 1986
Died:September 15, 2005

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A 19 year old resident of Walker, he passed away on Thursday, September 15, 2005, at Summit Hospital in Baton Rouge.  He was survived by his mother and stepfather, Nadine "Nicki" and Steve Fugler; father Christopher B. Baldwin; sister Jolie Marie Fugler; brother Steven Tyler Fugler; grandparents Larry Jr. and Josette Mendel; grandmother Fay Fugler; grandfather Lawrence J. Baldwin, Jr.; girlfriend Randee Farris; numerous aunts, uncles, cousins, and loving family members and friends.  He was preceded in death by his grandmother Elizabeth Watkins Baldwin.  He attended Immaculate Conception Catholic Church.

Chad was a 2005 graduate from Walker High School with goals to expand his education by enrolling in the Baton Rouge Community College in January 2006.
Chad "Larry" and Cody "Frank" at Prom 2005
Added by Marcus Bennett
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

I have known Chad since the eighth grade (2000). He was basically the class clown. During our sophomore year, we were members of the Walker High Bowling Team. Chad was always playing little jokes on EVERYONE!... BUT that is the second thing he is probably known for. The number one thing would definitely have to be his blue eyes! His mom, Mrs. Nicki, has those same beautiful blue eyes that you could just stare at all day! I know you are gone... BUT TRUST ME, YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN!
Added by Marcus Bennett

Chad is my son. I was the luckiest dad in the world to have a son like Chad. For 19 years there was never a time that we met or departed comany without a hug, kiss, and I love you. That was Chad, full of love and a joy to be around. Chad taught me the true meaning of love. His Mom and I miss him so very much. If anyone has any video tapes of Chad we would love to see them. Marcus, Thank you for starting this memorial. God bless all of you. Chris aka Pops
Added by Chris Baldwin

My beloved son Chad has been gone for over three years. The love that Chad shared with us is missed so very much. Chad was a wonderful son. A memorial scholarship fund is set up at Walker High school in Walker Louisiana. Helping others was one of the things that Chad was admired for. Please help keep Chads legacy alive with a donation to his memorial fund. Thank you very much. I love you Chad. Pops
Added by Pops
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