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Born:April 28, 2003
Lawrence, Kansas
Died:February 14, 2006
Topeka, Kansas

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Mikey was an extremely happy baby. He always had a smile on his face and he always put a smile on everyone elses. He had the most gorgeous curls and the brightest smile.
He was very smart for being a 2 year old. He knew how to do so much. He loved to play with cars. If you seen him, he would always have one with him. But he also loved to get into things. The words that I think he made famous was: Where's Mikey? Mikey stop! Mikey get down! Mikey get out of there! Don't touch Mikey! And when you told him that he would look at you, smile and keep doing what he was doing. He was our "Little man."
You knew when he was comfortable some where, because he would take off all his clothes and run around with his pull-up on. It didn't matter where he was at, he would just do it. Like I remember when we went to the bowling alley and the kids were all playing in the arcade. We was there for about 45 minutes and when I turned around he was sitting on the floor next to the air hockey table taking off his clothes. And all I could say was "Mikey No!"
He might have left us early, but he left us with alot of memories.

Here are a few quotes that I admire:
"To forget is to deny, To remember is to survive, Our memories are their survival."
"Those we love we never lose, For always they will be, Loved, remembered, treasured, Always in our memory."
"When ties of love are broken, And loved ones have to part, It leaves a wound that never heals, In an ever-aching heart."
"I sit and wonder every day, Why the Lord chose to call you away, I think he saw you needed rest, He only takes the very best."
"The bitterest tears ever shed over graves, Are for words left unsaid, And deeds left undone."

We all loved him so much. I know he is watching over us and helping us through the times to come.
Mikey with his dad, sisters and brother after we visited his uncle.
Added by Andrea(mommy)
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Mikey, mommy loves you baby! I miss you so much. I wish I could do something to bring you back to me. My days are so empty without you here. But I know that you are in a better place. Save a place up there for me okay sweetie. You take care and behave.
Love you always and forever, Mommy

Added by mommy

Dear Mikey, Its been almost 2 months since you've been gone. And every waking day seems to get harder with every breath I take.I can't close my eyes without seeing your face or hearing your voice. I remember the last words you said to me. You said "LOVE YOU TOO!!!!" I will never forget those words, not ever. I miss you honey, Mommy really do. Please come and check in on us from time to time. I love you baby.
Added by Mommy

hi drea i love the site and we all love you this is neisha night aka dawneisha love you
Added by neisha night

Hey honey, it's mommy. I just wanted to say hello and I miss you so much. Your birthday just past last weekend. You would be 3. It still extremely hard to get over you passing away. And it seems like everyday that goes by makes it harder. But I'm going to try to keep my head up just for you okay baby.
Mommy loves you honey, behave up there and I'll talk to you again soon.

Added by Mommy

Hey Mikey this is ur big brother can’t believe it’s been 15 years baby bro time really does fly I miss u every day. Every waking moment and every breath I take is for u I love and i miss hope to see u soon one day big bro will always love u
Added by Big bro
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