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Born:February 23, 1923
Los Angeles, California
Died:February 24, 2006
Burbank, California

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Nat Hillyer of Burbank, CA passed away February 24, 2006 at age 83. He was born February 23, 1923 in Los Angeles, California and raised in North Hollywood, California.  Following his service in the US Navy See Bees during World War II, Nat married and purchased his current residence of 59 years in Burbank. Nat is survived by his wife of 59 years, Betty Irene Hillyer, his brother Richard Hillyer, son Stephen Hillyer, daughter Paddee Neff and grandson Bryan Neff, all of Southern CA.

Nat spent a lifetime career with Pacific Bell and retired in 1978 after 37 years of service. He was involved in various youth organizations and honored by the City of Burbank for his efforts with youth, primarily the Boy Scouts of America where he served as Scout Master of Troop #16. Nat was also active and made major contributions to his alma mater, North Hollywood High School Alumni Association, and the Burbank Masonic Lodge. He was also active and Past President of the International Salt Water Fly Fishing Association.

Burial at sea will be attended by immediate family members and his ashes scattered in the Pacific Ocean where Nat enjoyed so many fishing adventures. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Cancer Society or Hospice Organization of your choice.
High School
Added by Kerry

Added by Kerry
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Personal Notes

My name is Lorna Gray from Australia. I found this site by accident and would love to contact Nat's son or daughter. I have lovely photos of Nat and Betty taken in Australia when we were with them in the early 70's and would be happy to mail them. I may be contacted on [email protected]
Added by Lorna Gray
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