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Born:September 17, 1950
Rushville, Illinois
Died:March 22, 2006
Littleton Illinois

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(Jim) James Alan Caldwell age 55 passed away, at his residence, on March 22, 2006, when a tractor, he was working on fell.He was born September 17, 1950 in Rushville Illinois, to Merle James and Hope Eileen (Reeder) Caldwell. He married Bonnie Tinsley on February 14, 1971 at the Littleton Baptist Church.She survives along with his parents, and maternal grandmother Dorothy Reeder.A son John Caldwell, two daughters, Susan Tomlinson & husband Brian and Carrie Moon. Six grandchildren, Mackenzie, Michael, Andrew, and Grace Tomlinson, Madeline and Ellen Moon; along with four brothers. Steve, Dennis, Rodney, and Ronald Caldwell.He was a member of the First Baptist Church Of Littleton. He was a life long farmer and a member of the Schuyler Co. Farm Bureau. Jim enjoyed farming, the outdoors, was an avid deer hunter, collected guns and antique tractors and found great joy entertaining his grandchildren.
Picture 079.jpg

Added by Anonymous
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Jim you were a wonderful brother-inlaw, You will be missed so much. You may be out of sight, but you will be in out hearts forever.
Added by Brenda
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