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Born:August 15, 2001
toowoomba, queensland
Died:August 20, 2001
toowoomba, queensland

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for the 5 short days she was with us, molly taught everyone around her about life. she taught me how to love, how to appreciate, and most importantly how to be strong and happy. to some people losing a child is a tragedy, to me it was a gift. my little angel will always be with me, watching over her brother and sisters, and we will keep her memory alive forever. 

a butterfly alights down beside us,
like a ray of sunbeam,
and its beauty and splendour surround us all.
but suddenly it flys off again,
and although we wish it would have stayed,
we feel so fortunate to have seen it at all.
molly 22.jpg
my angle girl
Added by mummy
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

to the world you were just one one person you were the world. butterfly kisses forever baby girl.
Added by mummy

memories never fade away and so does the loved ones never go away....they are always with us wherever we go and they are pure as angels to take care of us.
Added by george

God saw you were getting tired, and a cure was not to be. So he put His arms around you And whispered,"Come with me." With tearful eyes, we watched you Suffer and saw you fade away. Although we loved you dearly We could not make you stay. A golden heart stopped beating, Hard working hands came to rest, God broke our hearts to prove to us He only takes the best
Added by mummy

they say memories are golden, well maybe that is true, we never wanted memories, we only wanted you. a million times we needed you, a million times we cried, if love alone could have saved you, you never would have died. in life we loved you dearly, in death we love you still, in our hearts you hold a place no one else could ever fill.
Added by mummy

tomorow is lillys birthday, it got me thinking about you. if you had never died, we would never have had your little sister. i consider her your gift to me, and cant imagine my days without her. she talks of you every day, has only just learnt how to say molly, it was lolly for quite some time. she will always know who you are, mummy will make sure of that.
Added by mummy

to my beautiful butterfly child i spent your first 5 days with u and it was the most memorible 5 days of my life. you are and always will be my butterly child

love allways your ninny donna

Added by ninny

so many memories
made in such a short while
not knowing you would leave
but your life will last til the end of time

And when i feel low
like i cant go on, cant go on
i see your face
suddenly nothings wrong

believe me when i say
someone's watching over me
it's my angel
my angel with the butterfly wings

Added by love ninnydonna

so many memories
made in such a short while
not knowing you would leave
but your life will last til the end of time

And when i feel low
like i cant get up, cant go on
i see your face
suddenly nothings wrong

believe me when i say
someone's watching over me
it's my angel
my angel with the butterfly wings

Added by love ninny
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