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Born:June 10, 1945
Died:June 2, 2006
Hattiesburg, Mississippi

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My grandfather was a very loving husband, father, grandfather, and great-grand father. He struggled for a year with lung cancer. It finally over came him and he took all that he could take. He was one of the greatest men that anyone would ever run up on. He made foot steps in everyone's hearts that he ever met.
My grandfather and my grandmother Lena were married for over 40 years. They made a vow to death do them part and that is how it was. Lena was there when he needed her. He loved her more than life its self and her him.
He was a wonderful father to his one and only daughter Vicki, (my mother). They had the normal father, daughter relationship that most teenagers have with their parents. But within the past few years they have grown a wonderful relationship and friendship. She loved him very much.
He had three grand children. Two grandsons and one grand-daughter, who all loved him very much. We all knew that when we wanted to get away from mom and dad, Pawpaw's door was always open.
His grand children gave him three wonderful great-grand children. Two boys and one little girl. They are to young to remember how much their Pawpaw loved them, but that will be one thing that they will be told everyday. Their Pawpaw worshiped the ground that they walked on. We just all wish that they could remember that.
We all miss him and want him to be here with us but we also
know that he is better now. He's no longer suffering. He can beath just fine now, he's not sick anymore. He's missed more than anything in the world. But we will all see him again one day. He had a strong love for God, even through all that he has been through he still had faith. That is hard to do. He was the strongest man that I have and more than likely will ever meet.
Picture 020.jpg
My Daddy...So Strong....
Added by Anonymous

He wasn't feeling to good
Added by Vicki
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Personal Notes

Pawpaw I miss and love you very much. I want you here but i know that you are ok now. You were the best grandfather that anyone could ask for and i was very lucky to have you, and i am very lucky to have the memories that i have with you. Thank you for being there with me for the 19 years that i have been here. I just can't believe that you are gone. I love you very much and i will see you one day.
Added by Haley

I love you daddy & miss you so much. The selfish part of me wants you back with Mama & me. But I know if you had the chance right now, you wouldn't return. You are at peace. You have truly returned home. Please watch over me and please be proud of me. I don't want to let you down. Tell everyone I love them and will see you all again one day
Added by Vicki
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