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Born:May 6, 1985
Winston Salem North Carolina
Died:October 2, 2002
Winston Salem North Carolina

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Michael was 17 years old when he left us and went to heaven. He loved baseball and played since the age of 6. He loved to listen to his music and tught himself how to play the guitar. He also was very involved with the youth group at our church and had a soft spot in his heart for children and the elderly. He passed away his senior year in high school so he never got to graduate and do all of the fun things he planned to do that summer with his frineds and his girlfriend, Amy. Michael had a smile that could light up the darkest night and always had a kind word for everyone. He seemed to fit in with anyone he was around and maybe that led to his death. He was given a pill by someone(not considered a friend)which we now know was a 10mg methadone pill that he got from his father who was a herion addict. This boy was not someone Michael hung around with, so I'm not sure how this happened. We have questioned many kids, but no one says anything that will help us. We went to the police but they said there was nothing that could be done, but if it were there son they would. I found my son in his bed and was unable to wake him to get ready for school and he was taken to the hospital, put on life support and died 1 1/2 days later. I had my hand on his chest and felt his heart beat for the last time. Our lives will never be normal again. There is a whole in our world that will never be filled again until we are with our son again. We visit his grave everyday and we talk to him everyday and let him know how very much we love him and miss him. It's just an emtyness that can't be explained. We didn't get to say goodbye where we knew he could hear us, but he was a blessing from God that we will always cherish and hold close to our hearts. 

Michael, thoughts of you make us smile and you will always be My Forever Child.

Mom and Dad....Terry and Lisa Houston

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