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Born:February 12, 1965
Herndon, Virginia
Died:August 5, 2004
Baltimore, Maryland

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Ron was one of a kind... beyond one in a million. He touched the hearts of everyone he met...he had a great big heart, he loved life, and lived it passionately.           I met Ron in 1997,a few months after my son Matthew had died from suicide.We fell in love and spent the next five years together.In those five years he helped me to heal... to release the guilt and depression from my son's death, and to smile again, feel again, and go on with my life again.I loved him with all of my heart and always and forever will. Our romantic relationship ended in 2001, but we remained close friends,and before long we were talking to each other about the new people in our lives...I remarried in 2002,and Ron had met and fallen in love with the nurse who was caring for his mother when she was in the hospital.. his band was about to be signed...they were planning on touring and Ron had resigned from his job as a garage door technician... I'd never seen Ron so happy... Ron was a phenominal bass player, and having a successful band,touring around the world,and sharing his songs was a dream he had in his heart for many many years... he had definately paid his dues,and I was so happy that life was all coming together for him.I called to wish him a happy birthday on 2/12/03...he sounded great...said he was happy as happy gets.... on March 3rd he stopped by an Urgent Care for a quick check with a doctor after thinking he was still hanging onto the flu he and all his roommates had gotten in January...but instead was told the chest xray was abnormal and on 3/4/03 he was diagnosed officially with stage 3 lung cancer. I spoke with him that morning ...I was praying he'd tell me it was all a big mistake..but he didn't,and I cried all thru the morning and into the I remembered all the reasons I loved him so,and wishing I could change the news...and knowing I couldn't...           It seemed so unfair...

Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous
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Personal Notes

I Love You Ron...
Forever and Always

Added by Vickie Lynn
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