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Born:December 11, 2006
Lubbock, Texas
Died:Amarillo, Texas

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Reginald J. "Sticky" Quincy, 39, of Amarillo died Friday, Aug. 11, 2006. 
Memorial services will be at 1 p.m. today in St. John Baptist Church with the Rev. Grover Neal, pastor, and the Rev. Warren Coble, pastor of Love Fellowship Church of God in Christ, officiating. Arrangements are by Warford-Walker Mortuary, 509 N. Hughes St.

Reginald Jay Quincy was born Dec. 16, 1966, in Lubbock to J.L. and Harrietta Hudlin Quincy. He attended elementary school in Tahoka and the family moved to Amarillo in 1979. He attended Austin Junior High and Tascosa High School.

He married Georgetter Gaither on Aug. 21, 2004. He was employed by Tyson Fresh Meats in Amarillo.

Survivors include his wife; two daughters, Tiffany Marez and Channing Quincy, both of Amarillo; his mother, Harrietta Quincy of Amarillo; a brother, Stevie McNeal of Amarillo; three sisters, Cheryl Quincy and Dana Quincy, both of Amarillo, and Liz Bates and husband Vernon of Lubbock; and his grandmother, Eartha Hudlin of Tahoka.
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