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Born:Ponce, Puerto Rico
Died:April 15, 2003
Guadalajara, Mexico

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"An Angel Face Smiles to me
under a headline of tragedy;
that smile used to bring me warmth.
Farewell... No words to say, beside the cross on your grave....
And those forever burning candles...

Needed elsewhere, to remind us of the shortness of our time.
Tears laid for you, tears of hope, tears of fear,
bury my dreams, dig up my sorrows, Oh, Lord, why the Angels Fall First?"

Malieri, Alexis:

You will be terribly missed, now and forever, we will always remember you and cherish the both of you in our hearts, Our thoughts and prayers to you are winging, and please look down and understand if you see tears coming out of our eyes... You were like Angels, too good to live in this world, and now you've both flown back to where you belong. Goodspeed, Malieri, Alexis.

May you be in Heaven.

This humble profile was created in loving memory of our beloved Malieri Irizarry and her baby son Alexis Arraut Irizarry, who perished on a car accident on April 15th, 2003.

"Requiescat in Pace"

Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

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