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Born:November 21, 1929
Mace, West Virginia
Died:January 16, 2002
Morgantown, West Virginia

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My Mother grew up in Pocahontas County, West Virginia, in the small community of Mace.  She was the daughter of William Franklin and Grace Ellen Mace Tracey.  
On July 30, 1950 in Hot Springs, Virginia she married Homer Marvin Simmons. Together they spent many years in the Youngstown, Ohio area, and raised three children.
In the fall of 1980 they returned to the Mace area. My Mother operated a small ceramic shop. She loved working in the garden, flower beds, making quilts, and collecting bird houses, but most of all she loved spending time with her grand-daughters.
For many years My Mother took care of Dad, until his death in October of 1991. Mom stayed on at Mace for a couple more years. Due to her declining illness she sold her home on Dry Branch Road and moved to the Slatyfork area so my family and I could better care for her. My mother suffered more than ten years with emphysema.
My Mother passed away on January 16, 2002 in Mon General Hospital, Morgantown, West Virginia.
Chasity and Grandma.jpg
Mom and her Grand-daughter - Chasity
Added by Marty

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Grandma and Grand-daughter - Chasity
Added by Marty

Ma in her late teens.jpg
Mom in her younger days.
Added by Marty
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Mom - We Love and Miss You!
Added by Marty, Abbie and Chasity
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