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Born:April 13, 1940
Died:November 8, 2003

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Please don't sing sad songs for me,
Forget your grief and fears,
For I am in a perfect place,
Away from pain and tears,,,
I'm far away from hunger
And hurt and want and pride.
I have a place in Heaven
With the Master at my side.
My life on earth was very good,
As earthly lives can go,
But Paradise is so much more
Than anyone can know,,,
My heart is filled with happiness
And sweet rejoicing, too.
To walk with God is perfect peace,
A joy forever new.

This page is dedicated in loving memory of a dearly loved friend of many....Lannie C. Blanchard...aka...Bayouperch.

I personally met Lannie over a year ago on an online list I was on. She was the nicest, kindest, gentlest soul a person could ever want in their life. Lannie and I became close because she had tragically lost her son and I my father, and she understood how I was feeling and where I was coming from. She always managed to bring light to my face on many dark days...that was her nature:) Lannie reached out to many...over time she told me that she would gladly be the sister to me that I never had:) She always sent everyone emails to lift their spirits and let them know how much she loved all of us:)
Lannie loved her family and friends dearly. She was heartbroken at the tragic loss of her son, but chose to go on and try and make others happy..because if you were happy she was happy:) She also treasured her grandchildren!!
Lannie had a great faith in God that I believe got her through many hard times. She always had faith that God would her through and the people she cared about and loved. will be greatly missed here on earth, but we can all take comfort in knowing you no longer suffer from any pain or illness...for you are with your son and in God's loving hands....I love you dear sister!

Added by Anonymous

Sadly Missed by All on Family of Friends
Added by Cindy
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Lannie...You were always such an inspiration to gave me light on many dark always made me feel special! I will be forever grateful for all that you did for me and gave to me...I will miss you dearly:( I am just happy that you and Vic are now together! Rest in peace my dear friend...and "sister!" I love you!
Kimberly Anne

Added by Kimberly Anne

I will miss you so much.
I am so glad that we got to talk on the phone before you left this earth.
You always told me that I keep you going.
But you gave up the battle & went home to be with Vic.
I will never forget about you as you are in my heart & always will be.
We all loved you so much.
God Bless Pat

Added by Anonymous

I will always miss Lannie for she was so special to me. We cried together... laughed together..made each day a little easier for either of us. I lost my son is how we met. She consoled me daily. When she was down I was there for her also. She was an angel if anyone ever was and continuously talked of her son, Vic and Angie.We will always love her forever.Lannie you are loved and we will miss you forever.
Added by Shelia Passmore

You were like a sister I never had. I will miss you so very much. Our friendship goes back years and I value each and every day I had with you. I know you are with your loved ones you talked about so many times and they are happy to have you there home with them. God bless you my sweet angel and I will see you someday.
Love Always,

Added by Bobbi

Lannie and I laughed together, cried together and shared many life stories together.
She was like a "sister" to me, that God never gave me!
"The song is ended but the melody lingers on!"
Soar with the Angels, Lannie, I can hear your ings flapping in the wind.
In Life and Now in Death.....I LOVE YOU!
Memories will live forever......

Added by Peg ([email protected])

Lannie was such a wonderful inspiration to me and
I will dearly miss her.I love you Lannie

Added by Anonymous

You was always there for me with a kind word, a laugh or even just a loving hello. Lannie, my cyber mom and I will love you forever. You made such a big difference in my life and I will never forget that. You was my sunshine on a cloudy day. I have never met someone who could touch so many hearts with just words like you did. You are our guardian angel. You will always be in my heart and my memories. I Love You Momma Lannie. You are sadly missed !!! with all my love, Cindy

Added by Cindy

The news of Lannie passing was a shock in one way to me for the last time we spoke she was telling me how much so wanted to do before going home to be her beloved son, Victor. She miss him terribly for she told me that many times. Lannie was the kindness lady and she loved people, all her family and friends. She would always sent me inspirations each day and I will sadly miss them. Love you always my dear Sister in Christ
Added by GrannyRhonda
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