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Born:December 2, 1974
Colummbus, OH
Died:October 20, 2006
His Living Room

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Mr. Hook expired late Friday evening, the latest victim of Mog Wars. He loved puppies and good music. He is preceded in death by many fine MOGgers. He is survived by 4 nephews and a niece, who no longer have that 'cool' uncle to guide them through their musical lives. Please send all hate mail to the assasin, Takeshi Kovacs. In leu of flowers, please send your donations to Blair directly. We will see that it is used for some kind of charity. Really. Cash preffered.

Ezekel 25-14
A Statistic - Body Count
Live Wire - AC DC
Better Life - 3 Doors Down
Maybe Someday - Black Stone Cherry
When She Begins - Social D
Run Home - Priestess
Plug in Baby - Muse
A Certain Romance - Arctic Monkeys
Karate Schnizzel - Tenacious D
Dreaming Of You - Coral
Theres No I In Team - Taking Back Sunday
Ain't Complaining - Beatsteaks
Misery - Green Day
Rivers Of Babylon - Sublime
Willin - Little Feat
Talk Shows On Mute - Incubus
Heart Shaped Box - Nirvana
California Stars - Billy Bragg and Wilco
Creep - Radiohead
Crazy Mary - Pearl Jam
Pressure Drop - The Clash

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

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