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Born:June 9, 1937
Died:June 10, 2005
Mechanicville, NY

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Barbara was a loving mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, aunt, sister and friend. She was loved and known by everyone who crossed her path. She was pre-ceased by her son Richard J. Garland Jr., who passed back in 1982. Barbara had been a waitress for the former Hoffman's Restaurant in Latham, NY for several years, also the former Ada's Diner in Mechanicville, NY and J.M. Fields store in Troy, NY. A longtime fan of the N.Y. Yankees, enjoyed participating in BINGO and Racino Gambling. But above everything she loved, her family ALWAYS came first, from her children, all the way up to her great- grand children. She had so much love in her heart and would do ANYTHING to put others she loved before herself, and that is why she was loved so much. There was not a time where she would miss anything where her family was concered. Weather it be birthday's, anniversaries, Welcoming a new addition to the family, or even school sporting events. You always knew, when looking in the crowd, that you would see her sitting right there cheering for you to win, and it was a great feeling!! - When its all said and done, i dont think anyone could have asked for a better person to have in their life than Barbara. 

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Personal Notes

Barbara was the most important person in my life. She was my NANNY. She was taken from me way to soon. She told me when I was a little girl that I was her "guardian Angel".....So now, I ask of her just one more thing. And that is for her to return the favor and protect me, and keep me safe. I know she's shinning down at me from above and the day will come that me and her will be together once again.
Added by Heather Garland
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