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Born:May 20, 1925
Denver, CO
Died:August 4, 2006
West Des Moines, IA

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Mildred was a secretary for many years. She also taught Sunday school. She was a very loving, kind, beautiful, classy woman. She loved her family very much. She enjoyed collecting turquoise jewelry, and stuffed bears. She is sorely missed, always. Love and miss you forever Mimi!!

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Personal Notes

Mimi, I love and miss you more than words can say. We were cheated out of a last good-bye. I'm so sorry I didn't make the trip to see you sooner. I'll always regret that. Rest in peace, sweet angel in heaven. I know we'll meet again one day. I'm so glad God took your pain away. Now you can be free. Love you so very very much, Your Granddaughter,Lisa
Added by Lisa Smith
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