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Born:March 29, 1979
Died:November 15, 2002
Collinsville, VA

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-Most of all Brad loved his family and friends
-Auto Racing
-UNC Basketball

-Stevie Nicks
-Fleetwood Mac
-Britney Spears (liked her for more than just music)

-Earned an Associates Degree in Applied Science from Patrick Henry Community College

Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous

Heres your tree sweet one,miss you and love you--2010
Added by Barboo
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Added by Anonymous

Brads penguins _ 2014.JPG
Loving you and missing you every day.
Added by Your "Barboo "
Personal Notes

We love and miss you baby boy......Mom &Dad
Added by Anonymous

Jimmy and Ramona,
I'll be thinking of you all and Jessica especially tonight. Love you all--Frankie

Added by Frankie Shively

We all miss you Brad , The happiness and Joy that you had inside spread to all those around you. You had so much love to give , and It has effected so many lives. More than I'm sure you ever knew ...

Save a spot for me up there ...

Much Love

Added by Tim

Brad, It doesnt seem like it has been a year since you left us...I want you to know that a day doesnt go by that i dont think of you.. I miss you more than any words could say. I know that you are safe now and i know my mom is taking extra good care of you... You are always in my thoughts and i love you and miss you dearly. Love Tina Poo!!
Added by Tina

Brad its been a year, I cant believe it. But its just one more year closer to when We will all be together again. But still wish you were here. I think about you everyday. But we will see each other again one day. Bros 4ever. Miss ya man
Added by Joel

You have passed from this earth dear Brad.
But you live on in friends’ hearts and souls.
They remember what a loving friend they had.
And your memory fills empty holes.....

I wish I had known you better dear friend.

Your kind heart, smart mind, and laughter.

Of those you’ve left, I’ll mend and tend.

I regret not knowing you ‘til after.

Added by Anonymous

Honey i miss your smilin' face and allt he winks you gave me and whistlin;' at me thru all the years hey look im here helpin' ya mom and dad, and jess you and Bobby just remain together up there and know we love ya'll so much! and hey dont be putting too amny shingles on haha and jimmy and mona know i LOVE ya'll!

Added by kim

this is dedicated to my dear friends and my late husband who i have lost! God Bless Them and i miss you!
Added by kimberly
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