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Born:June 6, 1915
Brooklyn, NY
Died:April 7, 1983
Chapman, KS

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Frankie was only an actor for three of his 67 years, but what an impact he left on us! He was most commonly known as "The kid who looked like Cagney" after his potrayal of James Cagney's younger character in the 1938 Warner Brothers film, "Angels with dirty faces". But those of us who have seen his other works know that there was far much more to him than just his resemblance to James Cagney. He was a talented actor in his own right. Born to a tailor and his wife in Brooklyn, New York. Sometime in 1940/1941 he married and had a son, Richard, whom he loved until the moment he died. After his wife and he parted, he "rode the rails" all over the southwestern United States, unhappy. She had vowed that he would never see his son again - and he never did. Sometime in late February or early March of 1983, the train he was on pulled into Junction City, Kansas. He was gravely ill and taken to a local hospital. Diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, he was placed into a care facility in Chapman, Kansas, where he slipped away in the early morning hours of April 7th, 1983. Fortunately, a nurse there had been a fan, so he had the special attention he deserved and did not die alone. His last thoughts of his son. He was a quiet and reserved man who's heart was deep and loving. He will sorely be missed by all who knew of him.
Frankie Burke as "Rocky Sullivan"
Added by Sherry

Frankie Burke - 1938
Added by Sherry
Personal Notes

I'll always miss you, Frankie. You were the best and always will be. God rest your soul.
Added by Sherry


I've yet to see all of your work, but your story is quite a remarkable one, now you've been given a special place and will be remembered for all time and for future generations.

Added by Fiona

Rest in peace. Loved ya as Rocky.
Added by Chet
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