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Born:July 29, 1971
Danville, Pa
Died:September 3, 1999

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Robert my son was murdered at 28 years old.Their were hundreds of people that paid their last respect to him. He was kind,loved people,respectful,handsome,funny,and unique.He loved to tell stories,loved GTO cars,jeeps,his family,waterskiing,boating,jet skiing, hunting and fishing. He was a coalminer and was very proud. He owned his own coalmine. When he was murdered, our town was devestated and shocked. Everyone he met or knew him he impressed. He loved to sing, loved music from the 70's and Johnny Cash. He would create a fad and everyone of his friends would follow. He was strong,brave,and loving. He loved his family and would do anything for his friens. 
You were always full of life
Added by Love Mom
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Added by Mom

Added by Heartbroken Mom
Personal Notes

My Dearest Son,
Tears run down my eyes every time I think of you. I sit and hold your pictures and my heart bleeds for you. I long to hold you and see your face, your beautiful smile and I remember the things we use to do. I wait for you to walk threw the door and call my name. Life for us will never be the same. Your in our hearts forever and the memories of you will never die, their all we have of you.

Added by Your In Our Hearts Forever, Love Mommy
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