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Born:May 14, 1998
Died:June 3, 2003

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Tanner was a 5yr old little boy with more life in him than anyone i ever knew. He used to call me every weekend and ask "Aunt Cisty is your caw fixied yet"? When i would visit before i could leave i would have to take him to the local total and buy him some gum then take him and i could leave becouse i took him somewhere.When he would see me get in my car he would say can i go woth you with his big smile and bright blue eyes(how could i resist).He loved big trucks and Uncle Franks paint ball gun,when he left us he took that gun with him along some big trucks and a pack of gum in his pocket,there was also a picture of his mother,little brother & baby sister who survived the car crash that took his life.

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Personal Notes

This is the only photo i have at the moment its his little brother Ty 2yrs after the accident.
Added by Anonymous

tanner was the best little boy ever. he could be a pain in the but sometimes but he was good we miss him very very much and wish he lived. he was like a little brother to me but life isnt the same when you lose someone you love very much i hope everyone thats family & friends read this?
Added by tanners aunt cisty (kristi)

Tanner is my cousin Jasons son!! I never met Tanner but from what I have heard Tanner was a precious and very much loved little boy!! It affected the family in a horrible way and Tanner will forever be loved, greatly missed, and cherished by all!! Jason, his parents Curt and Tammy and Tanners aunt Kristi will never recover from thier loss!!!
Added by Lindy Beller - Allen
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