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Born:March 26, 1966
Died:February 19, 2006
Dallas, PA

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I am making this memorial for my brother Henry.  As we all know the good Lord took him early in life.  When I remember Henry I think of all the times growing up when we would get into trouble.  It's wasn't easy being the children of a Minister.  You know how us preacher's kids are.  Well Henry was no different.  He was what I would call the "Risk Taker".  I guess every family has one and Henry was ours.  If it could go fast and make a lot of noise you could count on Henry wanting to do it.  
I can remember Henry one summer at our cabin where he climbed a tree off of some cliffs and jumped into the river from it. It had to be 60 feet and he hit the water so hard it ripped his shorts off. He didn't think it was any big deal but man you would never catch me up there.
We all miss you very much and words can't explain how hard it is at times. There was so much more to his life than many people will ever know. Henry had his deamons but he was winning. He would give his shirt of his back giving something when he had nothing.

We love you bro....
Henry E. Westfield Jr., 39, of Claude Street, Dallas, passed away Sunday at his parents’ home of natural causes.
Born March 26, 1966, in Kingston, he was a son of the Rev. Henry Sr. and Alice Westfield of Dallas. A 1985 graduate of West Side Vocational Technical High School, he was a member of the Dallas High School marching band. He received an honorable discharge from the Pennsylvania National Guard with numerous awards while serving. He was employed by Fey International, Plains, as a forklift operator. He was a member of the United Methodist Church.
Henry was the proud father of his surviving children, Erik, Mark, Levi, Noah and Emalyn. He is survived by parents, the Rev. Henry and Alice Westfield, Dallas; brothers Wayne, Nazareth; John-Mark, Hubert, N.C.; Paul Aaron, Centermoreland; aunt Beverly Sobocinski, Trucksville; two nephews; three nieces.
Funeral service will be Friday at 8 p.m. in the Richard H. Disque Funeral Home Inc., 672 Memorial Highway, Dallas, with the Rev. Aaron Hastie officiating.
Friends may call Friday from 5 p.m. until time of service.

Added by Anonymous
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Personal Notes

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Added by John-Mark

Henry, in the last 365 days, not a day has gone by that i have not thought of you many,many times.Some of those days I have cryed, looked at your picture many time and still miss you. There are days I find, when something is broken, saying, well Hrnry will fix it only to remember you are not here to fix it. I want you here but I know in my heart you are in a far better place.All my love.
Added by Dad

I was thinking about what you wrote dad. Henry certainly did seem to be able to fix anything. I have to laugh for as much as he worked on cars I think he hated it. I have one fond memory when Henry was helping me fix my car and he smacked his hand while turning the wrench. He took out all his anger on my fender it was pretty funny now that I think of it.
Added by John-Mark

Dearest Henry,You fought a great battle and you won.After gaining painful insight and remorse for the weakness and problems your disease perpetrated,you endured humiliatons,that could have threatened you , demeaned you and caused your spirit and resolve to break.Instead,the solid,loving,singlehearted man ,that his loved ones always knew was there, emerged.You chose God and your children above all other things and began to recover.PART ONE
Added by Mom

PART 2-Your God ,your children,Erik,Mark,Levi,
Noah,Emalyn,became your primary concern in life.
We always loved you no matter what your status.And, I know you knew this despite our own weaknesses. You reached out to us in your time of need.Thank you.

Added by Anonymous

PART3-The more you faced financial,emotional,and
unrelenting distress, the more your will,and faith srengthened. All the while you dismissed the overwhelming fatigue of your efforts. None of us knew you had a severe heart condition. I regret this so much.

Added by MOM

4.God in his goodness allowed you to have enough time to give us an unending inheritance of love. Your efforts provide your children and us with a great source of comfort. Without your will to accomplish the work before you, we could be grieving for other reasons. Thank you. I miss you, I cry for you, and I celebrate your life.
Added by Mom

The thought just keep rolling. When you mom and dad came to visit me for Xmas after I came back from Iraq that was Henry's first test being home alone and I remember you were all worried about him. I remember him calling and saying tell dad the dog ate his computer and it doesn't work no which was totally possible if knew the dog. .but the dog did eat the bathroom door and Henry described it like the dog had a can opener and just chiseled away at it, sure enough dang dog ate through the door
Added by John-Mark
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