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Born:March 25, 1982
Died:October 24, 2005

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Jordan is a strong personality in life and death. He was an independent and original ambitious individual. He was blessed with an entrepenuerial, energetic, and courageous spirit. Jordan was an avid lover of music gifted with a great ear and intellect ability that enabled him to successfully teach himself how to play the drums. He was the drummer for a local Atlanta punk band, Handcrafted, and an alternative/industrial band known as False Witness. He will be greatly missed by many. Jordan was a unique spirit always daring to be different and free. His smile could light up any dark room. He was known as the life of the party. He enjoyed making people laugh and had a bright optomistic view about life. Jordan was not scared to dream big as he marched to the beat of his on drum. He always seemed to see the best in people. Jordan was a compassionate friend to many and the father of his only child, Greyson Haze Hensley. His death leaves a large vacant spot in the lives of those that have known and loved him. 
The picture shown above is of my son Greyson giving his father a cupcake in March of 2005 on Jordan's last birthday here in this world.
November 2004 Jordan visiting with Greyson
Added by Debbie
Personal Notes

Late at night I sit and look to the sky watching the sparkling stars n wondering why. The stars twinkle ever so beautiful n bright. The biggest n brightest 1 I wont let out of sight. It glows just like your smile. Perhpas its your star guiding the way. You may be gone from this Earth but you did not die. For I know you are the most glorious star in the sky!
Added by Debbie
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