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Born:April 19, 1982
Hobart Tasmania
Died:March 25, 2007
Hobart Tasmania

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I remember his smile.the sparkle in his eyes and lashes that any girl would want. He was addored by everone that new him he was always there to lend a helping hand to all.
He was accident prone always hurting himself in some way or another.

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Personal Notes

jas also known as jayboy u were my 2nd oldest son i havnt got alot of memories of u growing up as u lived with ur dad but I do know u were a great kid and u also grew into a lovely young man. unfortunatly ur whole life changed at 17 wen u had ur accident u suffered for 6 years my darling but now u have found peace. I will always hold on to my memories of u son deep within my heart.I love you jas (jayboy) and i will miss you until we are together again.
Added by Jason's mum
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