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Born:February 22, 1915
Bible Grove, Illinois
Died:September 9, 1968
Springfield, Illinois

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Unless more time is purchased to keep this memorial online, it will be removed from this website very soon.  Visitors will be unable to view this memorial, including any stories, photos, personal notes or other memorabilia that have been added to this web page.

My Dad was a hard working man.  All my life, I only know of 3 days of work he missed.  He worked the last 18 years of his life for Rays Chilli in Springfield.  I will always remember him as a loving but not verbal about it, man.  He showed his love to us kids, but never said the word "love" to us or our Mom.  My Dad loved his beer, Stag. (ug)  He died a young man of 53 years.  He was not a relious man, but I know he believed strongly in God.  He always said, "When God gets ready for me to go, He will  call me home, and not before."  I love my Dad very much and I hope him and my Brothers, Jr, Bobby, and Jerry, are with him in Heaven.  I know someday I will be there with them.  In the mean time, I just keep taking one day at a time.
Dad. Gene. Jr and our Dog.bmp.jpg
My Beloved Dad. Belove Brother Jr. Me and our Dog
Added by Your Loving Son & Brother, Gene
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
Dads Obituary.JPG
My Beloved Dad's Obituary
Added by Your Son, Gene
Personal Notes

Dad, I remember you like it was yesterday;
But I wish there was another way;
But I know I'll see you again someday;
And then, I'll get the chance to say;
"I love you Dad" more than I can really say.

Added by Your Loving Son, Gene

F is for the FAMILY he raised;
A is for ALWAYS having his love;
T is for the silent TEARS he shed for us kids;
H is for his HEART of pure gold;
E is for his EVERLASTING devotion to his family;
R is for the RIGHT way he always treated us kids.

This is my dad to me and always will be. I hope

you are with Jr, Jerry, Bobby, Aunt Annabelle,

and your Mom & Dad. I love you Dad more than

you will ever know.

Added by I love you Dad, Your Son Gene
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