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Born:October 3, 1984
Ontario, Canada
Died:December 12, 2005
Ontario, Canada

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This memorial is made in the honor of a departed angel, who went back home to God. In the loving memory of my dear brother Tony, who was taken away far too early, at the tender age of 21.

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Personal Notes

Rest In Peace, Tony. We love you and miss you terribly.
Added by Katie

hey bro it my your little bro cliff i finally fond this site and of all days on ur 23 birthday.i miss u so much and many unblivable thing have happend to every body sence u have been gone.hadly no one talks any more and ive just lernt to stay away from it and sara still talk and im pretty sure its cause of all i hope is that thing get better as they go.i miss u and will nevr forget all the wonderful thing that u did for me .i love u big bro happy 23ed.
Added by love ur lil bro cliff

hey bro it me your little bro cliff.i finally fond this site and of all days on ur 23 birthday.i miss u so much and many unblivable thing have happend to every body sence u have been gone.hadly no one talks any more and ive just lernt to stay away from it and sara still talk and im pretty sure its cause of all i hope is that thing get better as they go.i miss u and will nevr forget all the wonderful thing that u did for me .i love u big bro happy 23ed.
Added by love ur lil bro cliff
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