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Born:August 27, 1983
Galveston, Texas
Died:May 27, 2007
Century, Florida

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New Beginning FreeWill 
Outreach Ministries
8840 Handicare
Ensley, Florida 32514
(850) 485-7782
Bishop: Jobie Moorer*Pastor: Evelyn Jackson-Brown

June 1, 2007


"To The Man I Never Got To Know"

As I remember you now, in your death,
I feel I know you, by those you left.
You must have been, a wonderful man.
By the strength & character of your clan.
I see the love, deep in their eyes.
The pain they feel has no disguise.
The gentle way they touch your hand,
As you are drifted to the Promised Land.
Your mother spoke of your being raised,
Such respect and devotion radiated her face.
Grateful to God, your siblings must be,
For the honor to call you, "Family".
Your Mother's heart is beating loud.
The tears well up, her eyes soon cloud.
Unable to speak, She begins to cry.
Conversing with God - Looking to the sky.
So you see, my friend, this life is past.
But the memories you left will always last.
Though I hardely knew you, I know you well.
Your Life and your Love, their eyes do tell.
By: P.Hamblin****Revised by: Sis.Neshida Murdock

Be it now Resolved that the Pastor and members of New Beginning FreeWill Outreach Ministries,
bow in humble submission to the perfect will of God, in the homegoing of our beloved brother,
Nathaniel Joseph Butler.

** This Resolution is sent in honor of our loyal and faithful member,
Evangelist Kimberly Washington-Butler-Kimbrough(Nathaniel's Mother), and loving extended family.

We can best encourage the family by saying, "Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil". In comfort, we ask you to "Look to the hills from whence cometh your help, casting
all of your cares upon Him; knowing that Earth hath no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal". Our prayers and
love are with you all.

Humbley submitted,

Pastor Evelyn & Deacon H. Brown


Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

"To The Man I Never Got To Know"

Your Mother's heart is beating loud.
The tears well up,her eyes soon cloud.
Unable to speak,She begins to cry.
Conversing with God-Looking to the sky.
So you see,my friend,this life is past.
But the memories you left will always last.
Though I hardely knew you,I know you well.
Your Life and your Love,their eyes do tell.

Added by Sis. Neshida Murdock

Sleep on my son, take your rest for I love you
but God loves you best. Though we are apart you
are right here in my heart. With each tear that I shed just know I have nothing to dred, and with each parting day I just know that you are in a better place. The last words we spoke to one another the love that we share cannot compare to none other. I will always love you my son and your spirit lives on. Love and Kisses Your Mother

Added by Mrs. Kimberley T.Kimbrough

visitation: we're put here for a while, to stay and chat.But we must leave some of our people back. who's to say we won't cry or weep. It's just lost feelings that went deep. At the beginning of our lives,we take our first breath.To awaken, to arise, to see and at the end of our life, we take our last breath . To depart, to close our eyes to sleep. To sweet sorrow, we are due, one visitation. Until we meet again. By Lois Marie Morgan
Added by Lois Marie Butler Morgan

To my dear brother I've always loved you from the bottom of my heart. I've always cared too, I really wished that you could have stayed but I knew that God wanted you up there in Heaven where the streets are paved with gold. I know that you are happy and your spirit is around us.
Added by Your sister, Kimbreana L. Carter


I will always remember you. I know God has found a place for you with him. I pray God will embrace our Family and keep them strong. It will be hard to forget you and what you ment to the Family. I trust you are resting now and all your suffering is gone. May God bless you...


William Butler

Added by Anonymous

Nathaniel was a man who simply loved life.And loved those who were blessed enough to be a part of his life.Nathaniel could make people laugh and smile simply by laughing and smiling himself. The thought of Nathaniel should motivate us,and remind us just how short life really is.Hug and Kiss your family, And never forget the precious times spent with them.There is nothing unforgivable and Family is the most important thing we have.Other than God.

You were gone before we knew it, and only God knows why.If love alone could have saved you,you never would have died. In life we loved you dearly,In death we love you still.In our hearts you hold a place,that no one could ever fill.It broke our hearts to loose you,But you didn't go alone.For part of us went with you the day god took you home.They say time heals all pain and sorrow,and help us to forget.But time so far has only proved how much we miss you yet.

TheBattle IsFought theVictoryIsWon AsIlook behind me onthe joysof yesterdays past I canstill feel thewarmth ofyourlove Starting fromthe veryfirst time ucame intomylife @the earlyage of 8yrsold u wouldsay 2me Mama Iluv u&I thanku for beingthere when I thought I couldntmake it thru I willnever 4get howu prayed methru thetoughest timesin my life Tears settle in myeyes&I wouldsay Son ur so special 2me I thank GodHe hasgiven u2 me areason I can c
Added by Carolyn Butler, Mama
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