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Born:February 5, 1961
Dearborn Michigan
Died:July 29, 2003
Melvindale Michigan

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Karen is a great daughter , wife ,mother and aunt and most of all a great friend .People loved karen alot . She has always brought a smile to peoples faces , made people laugh like u would never belive . she always told people like it was . karen has three kids , two boys Jerry and Charles and one daughter Brandy , she has one step daughter Aimee. Karen's mother is pauline dolliver. Karen also has many brothers and sisters and has many nieces and nephews . and most of all she has a great husband Mark Fiolek . and some great friends . For Some Reason In April of 2003 Karen found out she was sick , from cancer . three months later she passed from it . her illness hurt the family so much that the family now hates themselfs and dont talk as much . If Karen was alive today granted nothing like this could ever happen karen would of stoped it . if u have something u want me to add please email me [email protected]

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