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Born:December 26, 2002
Died:December 26, 2002

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Our precious son Brian was stillborn on Dec 26 2002.Brian is a very much loved a dearly missed Son,Brother,Grandson,Nephew and cousin.Sadly he was joined by his little cousin (Philip Alan Macilquham) 15 months after his death so we get the comfort in knowing that our two precious angels are together in heaven.We love you both so much and we will never stop loving you both and you are forever missed.
Lots of love forever and ever,
your loving family Mummy,Daddy,Charmaine and Daniel XXXXXXX
philips headstone.jpg
This precious headstone is of our gorgeous nephew Philip who sadly joined Brian 15 months after his death
Added by Anonymous
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Personal Notes

To our precious little man.You were born so perfect and beautiful.Sadly we will never know why you died but we feel truly blessed to have your little brother Daniel here with us.I am sure somedays that he makes up for the both of you.
Love always,Mummy xxxxxxxxxxx

Added by Anonymous

To Brian I love you so much I miss you so much that it makes me cry
love Charmaine xoxoxo

Added by Your Loving Sister Charmaine

To Brian my was so wonderful to see you when you when you were born. but I did not get to speak to you becouse you were a stillborn. I gave you the biggest cuddle and I cried so much I still wish you were still with us. I feel you are with me when I am driving my truck and around us all the time. You are buried with my dad and he will love you as much as he loved me with all his heart.

Added by love Daddy
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