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Born:August 27, 1983
Galveston, Texas
Died:May 27, 2007
Century, Florida

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Our Beloved Son was a God fearing young man. He always was for the right thing.  He had hard times in his life but with the faith in God, his Pastor and the bringing up of his mom and dad who raised him, he got the victory over the battles of life.  We, his dad and mama, know every moment of his pain, because we dwelt with him and was always there for him.  From elementary, @ 8yrs old to high school to graduation to the Air Force to his diagnose of colon cancer to the last hours before he went home to rest with his Savior.  We were responsible for him.  To pray and to lead him to heaven's door.  He was a remarkable young man.  He never gave up, even to the end.  When he smiled the whole world smiled back.  Even if you were burden or discourage, he always said something to uplift your spirit.  From talking with his military friends, he always tried to help anyone that was in trouble when he was in the military.  When he was on his dying bed he preached to his little brother and sisters.  He was a good example for them of how to obey, love & cherish the parents who raised him and loved him unconditional.  

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