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Born:September 20, 1987
Douglas Georgia
Died:December 23, 1987
Douglas Georgia

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Tiffany Heather Grennell was born on september 20th 1987. everything went normal with her birth, she was perfect in everyway! There were no warning signs of anything being wrong with her! The morning of December 23rd 1987 i woke to find Tiffany not breathing! We called 911 but it was to late Tiffany had died! She died of sudden infant death syndrom! She was Gods angel that Christmas! We laid her to rest on December 24th. I had 2 other small children and we couldn't put thier Christmas on hold! We went ahead with our tradition Christmas eve gathering for our other children. That evening as we were saying goodbye to our family and friends my fatherinlaw happened to look up at the sky, right in the middle of our trailer was the brightest star anyone had ever seen! We were all spell struck! I knew then that Tiffany was in loving arms in Heaven with our father Jesus Christ! I may have lost a child but I gained faith that night ! Tiffany was one of Gods little angels that Christmas! 

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Little Angel
Added by Love always Mom
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