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Born:May 24, 1935
Died:September 23, 2007
Barlow, Kentucky

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William "Bill" Phipps, was loved by many.  He is was preceaded in death by his wife Claudette Phipps and brother Harold Phipps. He is survived by sister Margaret Phipps. He is survived by sons, Timothy Phipps and wife Mary Phipps; Anthony Phipps and wife Lisa Phipps; Steve Phipps and wife Kendal Phipps; Rick Phipps and wife Cindy Phipps. He is survived by daughters, Anita Little and husband Frank Little; Lisa Brown and husband Ron Brown; Marsha Lacey and husband Robert Lacey. He is survived by grandchildren, Summer Cummins, Autumn Hale, Sharaeah Phipps, Alex Phipps, Connor Phipps, Hannah Phipps, Aaron Phipps, step-granddaughter Alexa Phipps, Emily Little, Christina Little, Joel Brown, Kelli Brown, Jonathan Lacey and Ryan Lacey. He is survived by two great grandchildren, Maddison Hale and Logan Cummins.
Personal Notes

Dad, You've been an inspiration to all of us and we love you so much.

Papaw, We love you and can't wait to see you again!

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